Monstera Obliqua Leaf Stained Glass
A stained glass version of a Monstera Obliqua Leaf. this lil guy is probably 6.5 inches long? maybe 3-3.5 inches wide? i can get the exact measurements for you upon request. i don't have a ruler with me while i type this out. but trust me on this one, im a professional. This cutie patootie is made with a mix of vintage discontinued glass, mouthblown glass by monarch glass studios, mouth blown glass by fremont antiques, and basically just all the good stuff bc im kind of a snob and refuse to use anything other than the very best.
A stained glass version of a Monstera Obliqua Leaf. this lil guy is probably 6.5 inches long? maybe 3-3.5 inches wide? i can get the exact measurements for you upon request. i don't have a ruler with me while i type this out. but trust me on this one, im a professional. This cutie patootie is made with a mix of vintage discontinued glass, mouthblown glass by monarch glass studios, mouth blown glass by fremont antiques, and basically just all the good stuff bc im kind of a snob and refuse to use anything other than the very best.
A stained glass version of a Monstera Obliqua Leaf. this lil guy is probably 6.5 inches long? maybe 3-3.5 inches wide? i can get the exact measurements for you upon request. i don't have a ruler with me while i type this out. but trust me on this one, im a professional. This cutie patootie is made with a mix of vintage discontinued glass, mouthblown glass by monarch glass studios, mouth blown glass by fremont antiques, and basically just all the good stuff bc im kind of a snob and refuse to use anything other than the very best.